Shannon had his gallbladder out this morning and he came thru with flying colors!!!
He was very nervous going in as he has never ever been in the hospital, never had any surgery, nothing! He was a MESS this morning! We got to the hospital and he got all ready, as soon as possible I asked the Anesthesiologist to give him a shot of something. He said that Dr Garcia had already told him that Shannon was super nervous. The doctor came out about an hour later and told me everything went well. Shannon was in recovery for about an hour and a half and then they transfered him to a room from which he was released. We were home by noon!
I had to take Skyler for his kindergarten physical on Tuesday so today we went back to the Doctors office so that he could have his TB test read. I took him back to school and then went over to the school across the street and got him all enrolled! He will be a big kindergartner come August!!! It is amazing how big they both are getting.
Well, it is back to work for me tomorrow. One day and then the weekend!!!
Oh I signed the boys up for t-ball today. Skyler will be playing with the 4 & 5 year olds and it is just t-ball. David is in a group called itty bittys. It is for three year olds and they do two weeks of basketball, two weeks of soccer and two weeks of t-ball. They will have practices on Thursday nights and then games on Saturdays. I will try and have some pictures next week. We get to go this Saturday to the meeting where they get their t-shirts and get to meet their coaches! I think they will really enjoy it, they are both pretty good at backyard ball and very coordinated.
Well, off to see the wizard.
Happy Thursday!!!
Love ya,